Northstowe plant recognised by FIEC
Although the new church for Northstowe is only embryonic, it is already connected to other churches in the UK.

The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) has recognised us as a church plant. The FIEC is a national grouping of over 500 independent churches that want to enjoy fellowship with other gospel centred (evangelical) churches. That word 'fellowship' means more than getting along - it is a word about partnership in a task: churches working together to reach the nation for Christ!
By being part of the FIEC we benefit from the accumulated wisdom of churches in practical matters like charity law, employment law and constitutions. But just as importantly, we benefit through having relationships with people in all sorts of church situations around the UK reminding us to fix our eyes on Jesus, to trust in his word, and to "do the work of an evangelist" in the field Jesus has put us in.
Josh Monteiro, 09/08/2017