Jeremiah 1-15: Against the tide

In 627 BC Jeremiah began his long prophetic ministry, just as King Josiah began his religious reforms in Jerusalem. But despite the king’s support, the situation in Judah was challenging. The long, wicked reign of Manasseh meant idolatry and injustice were engrained in society, and few people took God’s word to heart.  

Jeremiah’s faithful ministry, proclaiming God’s word of warning and promise, was difficult. Few people listened. Jerusalem was conquered, and the people went into exile. But Jeremiah was gripped by God’s word, and continued to proclaim it, standing firm against the tide of society.  

Whether you are new to thinking about Christianity or have been a Christian for decades, Jeremiah will help you know God better and know how to live rightly, standing against the tide of the world around.  
Jeremiah 7:1 – 9:26
Josh Monteiro
Jeremiah 6:1–30
Josh Monteiro
Jeremiah 5:1–31
Josh Monteiro
Jeremiah 3:6 – 4:31
Josh Monteiro
Jeremiah 2:1 – 3:5
Josh Monteiro
Jeremiah 1:1–19
Josh Monteiro